The nature of Titanium brings a number of positives to the proven Bombers Bitting Philosophy
- Antibacterial & biocompatible
- Superior strength and extremely lightweight in the mouth
- Increases salivation, warm to the touch and encourages acceptance
- Non-toxic and hypoallergenic
- Low maintenance, easy to clean
The Happy Tongue is by far the most successful Bombers Bits Design.
The Loose Ring allows for immediate release and relief from tongue and bar pressure. The bit is immediately reset to a neutral position in the horse's mouth.
It is a solid mouth piece uniquely ported to give maximum tongue relief and curved to be softer on the bars and slow in applying tongue pressure.
Ring size of 68mm measured from outside of ring. Bit thickness 13mm
The Happy Tongue would be a good place to start if your horse is:
- Shaking its head
- Sticking its tongue out
- Sucking its tongue back and as a result making an intermittent coughing noise
- Trying to put its tongue over the bit
- Going behind the bit to avoid the contact
- Snatching the reins forward and down
The rider will know immediately if this is the correct bit, as a horse with a sensitive tongue will finally begin to work into, and accept the contact.
NOTE: This style should sit snug on the horse, so the port does not move sideways. over the tongue and bars of the horses mouth. Please add 5mm in width for the loose ring version compared to the eggbutt which should sit snug.